Meet Rooney Tunes!
In October we met Rooney, our adorable Bernese Mountain Dog puppy who loves to spend copious hours outside, go for walks and snuggle on the couch. From the first few minutes we met, she just wanted to be with Kris and I – some say it was love at first sight – the three best friends that anyone can have, right? I hope by publicizing this some type of karma won’t come back and I’ll go home tonight with half my house eaten by our adorable fur ball.
If you are in the market for a Berner, say yes if you want a dog that likes to explore the outdoors but is also content staying home. Honestly, Rooney loves her home so much that sometimes it’s hard to get her to leave the yard as she’d be just as happy mulling around for sticks in our backyard. She also loves people and other dogs, but she knows her limits. Like at the dog park when the alpha pack roams around, you’ll find Rooney on the outskirts cruising around the leaves doing her own thang – yes, thang. This pup has spunk and we love her!